
The Brady Tarot: Third and Traveler's Editions

Created by Emi Brady

Pre-order the Brady Tarot here!

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Editing/Adding-On to Pledges! Future Pre-Orders for Third + Traveler's Edition!
3 months ago – Fri, Dec 20, 2024 at 03:09:47 PM

Hi everyone!

I've gotten a few questions about adding the Traveler's Edition to your existing pledge, or pre-ordering in general, so I'll address those questions here!

In about 2-3 weeks, Kickstarter backers can edit their pledges (including adding the Traveler's Edition to an existing pledge) and new supporters can pre-order outside of the Kickstarter on Backerkit. I am still fiddling with my Backerkit surveys and the pre-order store, so I will need a little extra time to get it up and running (hence 2-3 weeks). 

I'll go ahead and link y'all to the Backerkit site, but there's nothing to do there until I launch in January!

For backers, upon launch, you'll receive an email with a link to your survey. You can edit your pledge and add anything on to your heart's content (including the Traveler's Edition) through the survey.

For newcomers, I'll be shouting the pre-order store launch from the rooftops once it goes live! You'll be able to pre-order both editions there. It'll get linked here, on social media platforms, and in an email to my newsletter subscribers. You can subscribe to the newsletter on my website. It's in a yellow box at the bottom of the page.

Thaaaanks! It's so awesome to see everyone as pumped about the Traveler's Edition add-on as I am!!! Y'all are the best 🫀🫀🫀 

Happy holidays, 


Holiday cards for the gift-givers!
3 months ago – Fri, Dec 20, 2024 at 02:49:38 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Incredible 30 days 🥹 Thank you all so much
3 months ago – Sun, Dec 15, 2024 at 09:14:37 PM

All day, I circled back again and again to this update, trying and failing to find the right words to express the gratitude overflowing from my heart. I feel so raw and emotionally wrung out from 30 days of excitement, anxiety, hard work, and most of all the incredible show of support😭

Soon, I know I will find the right words to share with you all, but for now just know this: I've been thinking about every one of you all day. Each of you made my dreams come true with this third edition. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart 💖❤️‍🔥💖 

And now I'm going to sleep for 12 hours straight!!!

Guidebook pledge/add-on now available! And a lil gift wrapped up under the tree for the gift-givers 🎁
3 months ago – Sat, Dec 14, 2024 at 07:36:30 PM

Two small things before the Kickstarter pledges end!

1) The guidebook is now available as a pledge or as an add-on!

There's also a downloadable pdf-only option available as an add-on (not a separate tier)!

2) If you backed this campaign as a gift for someone else and you want something to give them during the holidays, I've got y'all covered! After the campaign ends, I'll make a backer-exclusive post with one email-able full color image and one printable black and white image. It'll even be formatted so you can fold it up and make it into a card 🌲 

💖Happy holidays! 💖

3 months ago – Sat, Dec 14, 2024 at 01:33:23 PM

We're in the final 24 hours of this Kickstarter, and I still can't believe all the support I've received! Thank you all so much for making this new edition a reality!!


Number one, with so little time left and being so close to our stretch goal, I am going ahead and making the Traveler's Edition available to purchase as both a pledge and an add-on! This deck retails for $40. If you have already pledged for a deck, the Traveler's Edition will be available as an add-on for $35. This edition does not qualify for the wholesale tier, sorry!

This edition will be printed on 350 gsm art paper and have a matte linen finish. I do not plan on adding any color/guilding to the side of the cards.


I've chosen the absolute highest quality card stock available on the market for this edition, which is black core card stock made by a German company called Koehler. That being said, the thickest stock available for printing this many cards is 330 gsm, which is thinner than I initially wanted. (Their site says there is 410 gsm, but it is not currently available in big quantities. 330 is quite scarce at this time, too.) The finish will be satin, which is a finish that sits nicely between matte and a low gloss. I do not consider this finish to be gloss, but if you have very harsh lighting or are using a flash to take pictures of this cardstock, there can be slight glare.

I made this choice because it offers the very best quality available, the highest image clarity, and the absolute best user experience possible. Koehler's black core stock is a time-tested industry standard that is flexible while not being prone to warping or fraying at the edges with heavy use. This stock showcases color extremely well, and the satin finish allows for clear and bright images without glare. Satin is also just slick enough to make shuffling significantly easier without sticking/clumping like the rose-petal finish or shooting across the room like a high gloss can. 

I really wanted to like the scratch-free matte, but I felt it still clumped together almost as much as the rose petal finish. Plus when shuffling, the cards feel gritty (??), like there is fine sand or even dirt between them. It feels  🫠u n p l e a s a n t🫠  to me, so it just ain't happening.

I have worked one-on-one with the same person since my first edition. Having over a decade of experience working specifically with the indie Tarot community, she is someone I trust, especially when it comes to her eye for quality. Having someone like that is EXTREMELY RARE in this industry, as there is always a lot of pressure for quantity over quality. So as we were having several serious conversations about the highest quality cardstock and she kept telling me that a thicker cardstock does not always mean a better cardstock, I can't help but trust the expert.

I know my choices will not please everyone, and I'm very sorry if you feel let down. You're welcome to comment if you're disappointed, but pretty please be kind. I AGONIZED over this decision, so please treat me like a human being who has taken great care to make a difficult decision 🙏

It's important to me that everyone understands that my final decision was made from a place of ✨artistic integrity✨. I feel this choice incorporates all the things important to me: high quality, visual clarity, and a great sensory experience. And although the card thickness of 330 gsm is not what I thought I wanted initially, I'm now completely sold on Koehler's quality. This stock is NOT CHEAP, and is definitely bumping my cost. I did price this deck in a way to accommodate the best quality, so that's whatcha gonna get! 👌

Please give me a few minutes to get the Traveler's Edition up as a pledge and add-on! I AM SO PUMPED TO BE OFFERING THIS OPTION!!! And thank you everyone for your input regarding the stock and finish. It was so helpful!!

Yours in agonizing over the details,
