Stretch goal 8 Reached! 🎉🎉 CARD STOCK QUESTIONS! ⁉️ Traveler's deck sooner!
3 months ago
– Fri, Dec 06, 2024 at 10:34:23 AM
Whoohoooo!!! We hit the next stretch goal! The books will now come with a fold-out poster of the box art!
I don't know if any of my fellow nerdlings lived for getting books with fold-out maps and posters as much as I did, but I'm STOKED to be making something with that feature! I'm really proud of the box art, and even at box-size, you can't really get all up in the details. The poster will be larger than life (around 13x19 or so). ✨😍✨
THANK YOU all so much for helping me crush another stretch goal!
If you look at our stretch goal list, you'll see that the traveler's deck has moved to $55,555! I'm hoping we can reach that stretch goal before the campaign ends in NINE DAYS! It would be such a joy to bring that deck into the world.
Ok, onto the things I think many of you are excited to talk about: card stock and finish! I've been getting a lot of feedback about switching these up for the 3rd edition.
Since I've kept it the same for the last 2 editions, I think #3 may need to be the one that changes this approach.
I think everyone tends to like something between 300 and 350 gsm black core cardstock. What is everyone's preference for finish?
I am hesitant to use linen only because I find it interferes with the image and it's harder to get good pictures of. Linen will be reserved for the traveler's edition. I do want something that is easier to shuffle without it being super high gloss.
All feedback is encouraged and welcome here! Please comment below your preference for cardstock and finish and I'll post an update soon about that 💖
Thanks Kickstarter friends!!
NEW "Mystery Card" UNLOCKED! "The Great Mystery"
4 months ago
– Thu, Nov 21, 2024 at 04:22:32 PM
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.
We were picked for Kickstarter's "Projects We Love" 😘🎉 And a tiny peek at the next stretch goal 🫣
4 months ago
– Tue, Nov 19, 2024 at 06:57:18 PM
Hey hey beautiful Kickstarter folks! Wanted to add this update while I was sitting down to dinner. I've been down in the print dungeon all day cranking out prints for a market this weekend at the Arvada Center outside of Denver. Here's some stuff me and my lovely assistant Maristella have been working on:
Anyways, I got an email earlier today saying this project was selected as one of Kickstarter's "Projects We Love"!😍
I've been feelin the love from all sides, and it's been so rejuvenating! Thank you everyone for making this possible 🙏 This thing doesn't work without you.
We're also sooooo close to our Mystery Card #1 stretch goal!!! I can't wait to reveal it to you :)
It's still in block form, but I though it might be fun to give you a tiny sample of what's in store when we hit $33,333!
As of writing this post, we are one backer away from 333. This campaign and the 3rd edition both feel so special and magical 🌟 Three has always been my magic number, so all of this feels just right.
Anyways, back to Work!
See you all in the stars and in the sea very soon 🦅🌱🐢🌊🐀
Yours in inky bliss,
Just a quick update with a really goofy bag prototype…
4 months ago
– Sat, Nov 16, 2024 at 06:59:28 PM
So first of all THANK YOU for blowing yet another stretch goal out of the water! Love that everyone gets a card bag!! I enjoyed offering those for my last Kickstarter, but had issues with getting them printed correctly. This time around I’ll have the resources (and foresight) to get them made properly.
Here’s said goofy prototype. I’ve got talent in some ways, but making an imaginary product look real is quite simply not one of them, so I hope you’ll be able to stretch your imaginations with me 😂
The card-back image has been a longtime favorite of mine, and this is also the image that will be printed on the bottom of the box. I feel like the image would look real nice on a bag. Ideally, it would be printed double-sided.
I’m in the process of weighing out digitally printing vs screen printing these. I kind of love the idea of the images being screen-printed onto black cloth, though. Since I’m a hard-ass about not using synthetic fabrics, we may have to go with screen printing to get the best image quality (I could be wrong about that though).
Waiting to hear back from my printer to see what she suggests about the bags (she’s got great taste and a good sense of what will work practically). I did just throw a lot at her, but hopefully I’ll have a better idea of what we’re getting with the bags soon.
Anyways, here’s one of the nuthatches from my stretch goal graphic! I just posted a Patreon post that goes into some detail about the tree and more detail about why nuthatches. I also have a cool downloadable phone wallpaper of a detail from the tree, too :)
I promised myself I wouldn’t spam you too hard with updates, but I’m just so excited about everything!! I’ve been thinking about some of the other stuff I want to get made (fingers crossed on those upper stretch goals!!!) and just getting hyped 🤩🤩🤩
Please feel free to offer any suggestions or critiques about the bag design. I did consider putting the box art on there, but I worry its details will get lost when it’s that small.
Yours in dreaming,
OK WHAT??? We reached our goal in TWO HOURS 😭 😭 😭
4 months ago
– Fri, Nov 15, 2024 at 06:54:16 PM
…and we’re almost at out SIXTH stretch goal??? I am absolutely blown away.
THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! I’m kind of speechless.
I actually would have posted earlier, but every time I was caught up on my graphic, y’all busted through another stretch goal! I’m so excited to see that little nuthatch climbing up the tree 🐦⬛🐦⬛🐦⬛
So, just to recap, in less than 12 hours after launch, we have:
hit our goal in two hours
Unlocked a matte black gilded edge option (which is gonna be classy as hell)
Upgraded our book to HARDCOVER!!
Unlocked the holo stickers based on the box art (these are gonna be so cool)
Upgraded the box and book to having gold foil details.
Gold foil version, although I’m considering making the image on the underside of the lid all in gold. I’ll be posting updated versions of these soon!
And I think as soon as I post this we’re gonna blow past $22,222 and unlock the card bags in no time! I’m so excited about finalizing and sharing the designs for the stickers and bags!
My head is SPINNING. And it’s not because I stayed up all night and am now simultaneously sleep deprived and vibrating through the walls (ok maybe a little of that, too).
THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.
I’ve been really isolated and overworking these past few months, all in my head and worried about not hitting this goal. You’ve reminded me that there are people out there who get this vision, and that is SO POWERFUL. You are a balm to my spirit. THANK YOU FOREVER 😭😭😭😭
I am gonna write a Patreon post, draw a hot bath, and then cry from relief and gratitude!!!
Love and gratitude to you all, I sincerely cannot say thank you enough for today. It fills me with a strength I forgot I had 🥹